Página de la Asociación Colombiana de Herbarios (ACH) para brindar información sobre las actividades de los herbarios de Colombia a la comunidad botánica y al público en general.

This is the webpage of the Colombian Herbaria Association (ACH). It is intended to share information about the activities of Colombian herbaria for the botanical community in Colombia and abroad.

Keywords: Colombia, botany, herbarium, specimens, taxonomy, floristics, databases.

martes, 19 de abril de 2011


Acaba de salir publicado una nueva versión de la filogenia de Angiospermas que incluye 640 taxones y 17 genes. No muchos cambios desde la última version pero algunas familias han vuelto a reunirse y la posición de otras ha sido mejor soportada. Nuevas propuestas de grandes grupos para Phylocode han sido presentadas: Superrosidae y Superasteridae.

Angiosperm phylogeny: 17 genes, 640 taxa

D. Soltis et al.  American Journal of Botany 98: 704-730 (2011)

• Premise of the study: Recent analyses employing up to five genes have provided numerous insights into angiosperm phylogeny, but many relationships have remained unresolved or poorly supported. In the hope of improving our understanding of angiosperm phylogeny, we expanded sampling of taxa and genes beyond previous analyses.
• Methods: We conducted two primary analyses based on 640 species representing 330 families. The first included 25260 aligned base pairs (bp) from 17 genes (representing all three plant genomes, i.e., nucleus, plastid, and mitochondrion). The second included 19846 aligned bp from 13 genes (representing only the nucleus and plastid).
• Key results: Many important questions of deep-level relationships in the nonmonocot angiosperms have now been resolved with strong support. Amborellaceae, Nymphaeales, and Austrobaileyales aresuccessive sisters to the remaining angiosperms (Mesangiospermae), which are resolved into Chloranthales + Magnoliidae as sister to Monocotyledoneae + [Ceratophyllaceae + Eudicotyledoneae].Eudicotyledoneae contains a basal grade subtending Gunneridae. Within Gunneridae, Gunnerales are sister to the remainder (Pentapetalae), which comprises (1) Superrosidae, consisting of Rosidae(including Vitaceae) and Saxifragales; and (2) Superasteridae, comprising Berberidopsidales, Santalales, CaryophyllalesAsteridae, and, based on this study, Dilleniaceae (although other recent analysesdisagree with this placement). Within the major subclades of Pentapetalae, most deep-level relationships are resolved with strong support.
• Conclusions: Our analyses confirm that with large amounts of sequence data, most deep-level relationships within the angiosperms can be resolved. We anticipate that this well-resolved angiosperm tree will be of broad utility for many areas of biology, including physiology, ecology, paleobiology, and genomics.

Key Words: angiosperms • bioinformatics • large data sets • molecular systematics • RAxML • Superasteridae • supermatrix • Superrosidae

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